
Download free carrion playtime
Download free carrion playtime

download free carrion playtime

the way the game approaches story is actually interesting, as it does it through a series of flashbacks(?) as well as implementation of a bit of show don't tell. I also wasn't a huge fan of the layout, I found myself getting lost a few times and going in circles over and over only to eventually give up and just google it because I was tired of scouring the same areas I had already cleared over and over. while this wouldn't be a problem if it only happened the one time, it happened pretty regularly. at some points this led to me wiggling around for as much as 30 seconds because I was stuck in a space 1/4 of the size of my character. the controls are pretty frustrating at times especially in the later stages of the game as you start to get bigger it becomes harder to fit through the small crevices the game expects you to go through. 3h 30m Playedthe game was okay I guess, while interesting in concept there are definitely some issues I had with the game.

Download free carrion playtime